Star Fairies Buff Preview

Finally Star Fairies are making a rerun soon! Here are some buff previews for the top rarities

Buff Preview from Discord (since it’s not finalized):

Full details will be announced at a later date

8 Replies to “Star Fairies Buff Preview”

  1. If i had another good blue orb spawner (like Wizard/Mion/Freedom) i might rebuild natsuru team again. That aside, i wonder if it possible to build a viable team without transformation against gravity-debuff dungeon (such as Unknown Nova). 50% gravity is the maximum i can go and after that my attacker team’s damage fall off pretty quick 🙁

    1. the flowers have bad first and second transformations. good luck trying to make them work but why not just use fasca

  2. Finally they give Auto FUA to Phyllis, it always seemed stupid to me that she had the hardest playstyle to use FUA, Too bad her stats aren’t up to date with meta leaders so I doubt she’ll be meta again

      1. you should write gungho on that they might fix/add a new evo for you. Normally they dont do that.. That mightve been overlooked on their part

        1. I’m actually morbidly curious what happens when the game tries to reconcile the difference when the update hits since Cloud/Tape Recovery Latents can normally only be put on those with FUA in the first place. Probably would still make it unusable since you can’t actually trigger FUA, but whether the game actually force removes it or not is a different question and might possibly still work with an Assist if not force removed.
          In anycase, it is rare, but not unheard of for GungHo to make alternate evolutions with slight differences to accommodate fan requests, as I recall was the case with -/G Menoa because players didn’t like the extra time the AS animation took after the buff to G/G Menoa.

          1. you can use an equip to add a latent and remove the equip.
            one of my vione has a l assist equip (worthless latent) to test how it would work on a trans card that has Ls post op

            1. Oh! You’re right! I thought it wouldn’t work for some reason or another, but after giving it a test, it worked just as you described!
              Curious what would happen in the case of SB++ since unlike other specific Awoken Skill related Latents, you don’t actually have to manually trigger L-Heal to benefit from it… but then again there isn’t a single Assist with L-Heal on it in the current game as far as I’m aware, which seems like a pretty intentional omission by GungHo.

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